
Week One, Day Two

Physically, today wasn't any easier than the first day.  Mentally, however, it was much easier to get out and do my Couch to 5k training.  There was no fear of the unknown, and no worries that I wouldn't be able to do it.  I eased into the interval timing and before I knew it, the 20 minutes were up.

Disclosure:  that short little 20 minutes of training actually takes about 40 minutes if you include stretching, a five-minute brisk warmup walk, the 20 minutes of run/walking, a five-minute cooldown and then more stretching.  Even so, 40 minutes is really nothing compared to driving to the gym, changing, warming up and then working out and driving home.  I'm actually saving time by training this way!  And, it's free (sort of, if you already have shoes and other gear).  Running is probably the most effective and cost-effective way to get in shape. 

I have found however, that my biggest barriers are self-imposed through assumptions about what running would be like for me based on my past experiences, and limiting beliefs about my body and its capabilities.  When assumptions are challenged and limiting beliefs silenced, the energy starts flowing again in a forward movement.  It's this energy that is the basis of all postitive change. 


That's me, number 52, in the Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic Fun Run in 2002, the first and last 5k I ran.


Week One, Day One

I did it!  Today I started the first day of my Couch to 5k training program!

Getting started was hard.  All my should/buts came out and tried to get me to postpone.  I should start today, but I have bronchitis.  I should start today, but it's kind of cold and yucky.  I should start today, but I didn't sleep well last night and I want to take a nap.  With each should/but I felt my energy (what little I had) draining out of me.  Then, I set a mini goal:  to put on my running gear.  At least if I put on my running gear, I can go out if it looks like the sun might peek out. 

So that's what I did.  I put on my gear.  That small act got me going.  Then, I found myself thinking, it's only for 20 minutes.  Seriously, 20 minutes, that's it.  The next thing I knew, I had done some stretches, called in my dog to leash her up, and set out the front door. 

First I walked briskly for five minutes.  Then, alternated running and walking for circuits of 60 seconds and 90 seconds respectively, for 20 minutes.  Immediately I noticed that my running technique is more of a flat-footed shuffle, and it felt jarring to me.  But, it was only for a minute so when my timer went off, the walking was a welcome relief.  All too soon, however, the timer went off again and so did I. 

Oh the agony!  My knees, my hips, my ankles, my butt, my neck.  Everything hurt.  But, since it was only for a minute at a time, it was tolerable.  By the time I was ten minutes into the running/walking, things were loosening up and feeling pretty good.  In fact, I started to enjoy myself.  By the time 20 minutes rolled around, I felt that deep tissue itch in my quads, the kind that only comes when you really get tissue bouncing around and moving.  It felt great!  And my new shoes are fantastic!

Now, I'm looking forward to Wednesday, which is probably the greatest thing about this training program.  It's very simple and very doable.  Can it be possible that I am actually going to do this?  Yes!

If you would like to support the Eastern Washington Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, please consider donating through my page.  Help me surpass my goal of raising $150 for this worthy cause!



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