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Problem or opportunity?

When you are faced with a challenge, how do you frame it?  Do you frame it as a problem?  What would it be like for you to approach every challenge as an opportunity?  When we look at potential problems as opportunities, the energy is immediately shifted from something that is reacted to, to something that is acted upon.  In a matter of seconds, we come to realize out of every problem, we can find an opportunity to step up, be a better person, understand others with compassion, or think outside the box for a solution.  If we are having potential communication "problems" with our partner or boss, what would it look like if we saw this as an opportunity to learn better communication techniques, to advocate for ourselves, or to get a better understanding of what the other is trying to say? Try replacing the word "problem" with the word "opportunity" for a week and see how the energy shifts for you.


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